Texas Multiple Award Schedule (TXMAS) Program - Shook Mobile Technology!
Contract Number TXMAS-9-23V010
Shook Mobile Technology is a contract participant in the TXMAS program. Please read the information below before viewing the TXMAS price list and catalog.
Legislature - Senate Bill 311 has authorized The Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts (CPA) to establish as an alternative purchasing method; the use of multiple award schedule contracts that have been competitively awarded by the federal government or any other governmental entity of any state. The prices reflected on GSA schedule contracts are the most favored customer prices and the maximum price allowable. These contracts capitalized on prices associated with volume buying and are a simple process for buying commercial items and services. Ordering procedures allow for best value purchasing decisions.
A state agency or local government participating in the CPA Cooperative Purchasing Program (CPA Co-Op) may purchase goods or services directly from a vendor under a contract listed on a schedule developed under this program. A purchase authorized by this program satisfies any requirement of state law relating to competitive bids, or proposals and satisfies any applicable requirements of state law.
“Local government” means a county, municipality, special district, school district, junior college, regional planning commission, or other political subdivision of the state. Only state agencies and participating members of the CPA Co-Op Program are eligible to use the state of Texas TXMAS schedules to meet competitive bid requirements.
For information on TXMAS ordering procedures and to review current TXMAS contracts please contact the following:
TXMAS – Texas Multiple Award Schedules (http://www.cpa.state.tx.us/procurement/prog/txmas/